Next story, coming soon: a visit with Dr. Troy Robertson from Bethany College during rehearsal at Messiah.

Dala Town Timeline is a video feature showcasing Lindsborg and world events during this week in a history time capsule. This week in history at in 1891 sugar beets in the Smoky Valley, in 1953 Singin' in the Rain premieres; 1982 DC memorial groundbreaking ... and more. Enjoy the journey through time with us at!

#dalatown #lindsborg #kansashistory #littlesweden #timeline #lbk #dttimeline

Photographer Jim Richardson has been looking at the world through the lens of a camera for most of his life. The Lindsborg resident and businessman sat down with Isaac Garretson recently to recount the adventure of going the extra mile in the North Atlantic Ocean when on assignment for National Geographic magazine … (see video interview)


Dala Town Timeline is a video feature showcasing Lindsborg and world events during this week in a history time capsule. This week in history at 2 pounds of Viking coffee cost 78 cents, the first Ford Mustang manufactured, Truman Doctrine, and more. Enjoy the journey through time with us at!

Meet Lindy! Part Swedish Shepherd, he makes his home in Lindsborg and hangs out here every Sunday with his pals. Enjoy the journey in Little Sweden, USA, with local student artist Josh Garretson. To see a sampling of other installments of Lindy, go here!


Your weekly slice of Lindsborg: Walkabout Wednesday is a regular feature on our social media. Follow us to find it on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube!

For local events, check out our community calendar page here. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up to date.

Swedish Sticky Chocolate Cake

Nordic recipes from True North Kitchen right over here


Watch here for new additions to our series, Postcards from Sweden. This photo is from our friend Torbjörn in Stockholm.

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#dalatown on social media to show us how you celebrate life in the Smoky Valley, and you may be featured in Gallery 227!