The cast and crew from Broadway RFD’s Peter Pan Jr., delighted fans over the weekend with the presentation of the time honored fairy tale of the boy who refuses to grow up. The story picks up pace as three starry-eyed children join Peter on a journey to Neverland and all the way home.
Our photo essay by Olivia Garretson takes you behind the curtain before the show after three weeks of rehearsals by a cast of 40 children and 18 crew members. The play was directed by Dalana Dutton while Abby Rishel-Barnett was the musical director.
Erin Dolezal (foreground) and sisters - Esther and Echo Clark tighten up a tricky dance move before the curtain goes up.
Tootles, played by Henry Bowman is caught in a tug-of-war between the Lost Boys and Brave Girls.
Jersey Elseth flashes a smile to her Brave Girl cast members before they hit the stage.
Enough said.
Last minute touches and encouragement as the cast prepares to shine.
Greer Kjellberg knows what it takes to be a Brave Girl.
On the cover: from left Jackson Martin (Michael) Nicholas Dreier (John) Helena Lundberg (Wendy) follow Peter Pan played by Lauren Dolezal into flight and off to Neverland.
Marin White (seated) and Kayleigh Guldner get into character and in the “Pirate” frame of mind.
A jolly band of singing pirates led by Captain Hook (sixth from left) played by Cael Kibler.
Marik Anderson (Jukes) has his pirate stitches painted on his cheek back stage.
“Sounds good!” Adam Lackey (seated) and Tyler Breneman work out the final sound check levels before the seats are filled.
Curtain call.
“And that’s all folks!”