“Viking isn’t a nationality. Viking is not an ethnicity. Viking is a job.”
According to Dr. Reid Weber with the Glomesdal Vikings, “to go a-Viking” was a chance for adventure, to get off the fjord, and raid or trade with the people they met.
The Glomesdal Vikings don’t wear horned helmets or furry vests, but continue to bring to life a true representation of Viking exploration and culture.
Dr. Weber teaches Medieval Humanities at the University of Central Oklahoma and travels with the group to show the realities of the Viking age through demonstrations of combat, living quarters and daily chores.
Dr. Weber and his band of reenactors have taken part in a couple of Midsummers Festivals in the Smoky Valley, and will be returning soon to Lindsborg for another living history experience at the 2024 Midsummer’s celebration on June 15.
Dr. Weber spends time answering questions during the 2023 Midsummer’s Festival in Lindsborg