The Lindsborg Wavemakers hosted their league swim meet Saturday to close out the 2022 season. The team met for awards and a final party at the pool on Sunday to honor the swimmers and recognize coaches Morgan King, Adam Pryor, Mary Voigt and Amie Foote for their continued commitment to the program.
Bethany Shultz finished 2nd in the Freestyle event and took home the gold in the 15-18 year old girls’ Medley race to close out her day.
Touch and go!
Javen Weis dives in after his teammate Mason Crawford touches the wall.
Lindsborg’s Sophie Eyer launches into the blue for a race across the water on a sun-soaked Saturday.
Coach Morgan King and Sophie’s mom Anita give poolside encouragement.
Go time means splash time for Mason Gardner and Eli Spooner.
2022 team photo, courtesy of Wavemakers Facebook page.