Two ships pursued by pirates are caught in a storm on the high seas and a trunk full of precious starstuff may hold the key to the future of three orphan boys on board.
Read moreBlizzard In The Borg, It's Christmas In July
Lindsborg celebrated Christmas in July Saturday, with special deals for downtown shoppers and a pile of ‘snow’ in Swensson Park for all ages.
Read moreTeens Are A Bookworm's Best Friend
Back row from left: Josh Garretson, Judah Cooper and Director Suzanna Swenson. Front row from left: Henry Bowman, Jonathan Cooper and Charlie Bowman.
If you checked out a book this summer or visited the library for story time, chances are that this group of young men helped reshelve the book or tidied up the space after the fun.
The 2022 Lindsborg Library’s Teen Squad gathered in groups of two or three each week to help library director Suzanna Swenson keep things organized from the top shelf down.
The group pitched in on the small and even slimy situations by sanitizing toys, washing windows, dusting, hanging artwork, and setting up scavenger hunt pictures for clues.
Swenson rewarded the boys with a trip to Salina to celebrate a job well done by eating Chick-fil-A and letting them each select a new book for the library from Books-A-Million.
Photos by Isaac Garretson/Dala Town
Cars and Coffee: a Strong Mix
The Blacksmith Coffee Shop and Roastery has become the starting line for car enthusiasts to gather and gab on Saturdays in Lindsborg. Shiny chrome and rust live side by side as owners and onlookers swap stories about what’s under the hood and what’s going on in their neighborhoods.
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